【同义词辨析】 2017-06-20 黑暗dark-gloomy

dark: the general term, implies utter or virtual lack of illumination: a ~ cave. (illumination照明启迪彩图,词根LUM表示light光,如lumen流明是物理中光的单位,luminary名人,luminous发光的光彩的,bioluminescent生物发光的如firefly萤火虫和most deep-sea animals大多数深海动物)     virtual.实际上的实质上implies a merely apparent difference between outward seeming and inner reality只是看起来有些不同,如the prime minister is the virtual ruler of his country首相是实际上的统治者,如本例virtual lack of…实际上缺乏光线,可能有少量光线,但无实质差别, 在计算机方面virtual意思完全不同,表示虚拟的,指通过软件模拟的,你以为看到某物实际上没有,如virtual reality虚拟现实,virtual library虚拟图书馆, virtual shop虚拟商店)

dim: suggests too weak a light for things to be clearly visible: a clandestine meeting in a ~ bar.  

dusky: suggests deep twilight and a close approach to darkness: trudging through ~ woods at day's end. dusk黄昏 twilight黄昏暮光,即日落后剩余的微弱光线small amount of light after the sun has gone down,如the deepening autumn twilight渐浓的秋日暮色 trudge徒步跋涉。步履沉重to walk slowly and with heavy steps,如it was a hard trudge up the hill这趟上山是艰难的跋涉

murky: implies a heavy obscuring darkness such as that caused by smoke, fog, or dust in air or mud in water: fish cannot live in the river's ~ waters.

gloomy: implies serious interference with the normal radiation of light and connotes cheerlessness and pessimism: a ~ room in the basement of the house.

dark黑暗: 通用,表示完全或实际上缺乏光线,dim暗的: 表示光线弱无法看清东西,dusky昏暗: 表示日落已深接近全黑(dusk黄昏),murky混浊: 表示混浊不清,如空气中的烟雾尘水中的泥,gloomy阴暗: 指严重阻挡光线,隐含阴郁悲观


         2)黑暗的意思是缺乏光线mean more or less deficient in light.